Creative Kids Music Therapy Services provides traditional music therapy services as well as therapeutically based music classes!
Therapeutically Based Music Classes
A Musical Journey to Kindergarten (ages 4 & 5) Get your child ready for kindergarten in a fun way by participating in therapeutically based music activities that will improve academic & social interaction skills. We will sing, play instruments, & drums, and dance each class. Come join the fun!
Session 1 Tuesday, June 7, 14, 21, 28 from 10:00-10:30 Session 2 Tuesday July5, 12, 19, 26 from 1:00-1:30 COST/SESSION $60
Drum Circle & Songwriting Fun! (ages 7-10) Drumming & writing songs are just some of the ways that we will use music to practice social interaction skills & talk about our feelings. We will have a great time creating rhythms, songs, & playing games! Creativity has no limits in this class!
Session 1 Tuesday June 7, 14, 21, 28 from 10:45-11:30 Session 2 Tuesday, July 5, 12, 19, 26 from 1:45-2:30 COST/SESSION $80
Drum Circle/Songwriting Group |
$80.00 – 4 classes |
**If you are looking for “Baby Bop 1 & 2”, “Toddlers Makin’ Music”, & “Preschool Rock” classes
please go to the Learning through Musical Play Early Childhood Program page to register! **
Imagine the Possibilities Music Therapy & Piano Studio, LLC currently provides traditional music therapy services for children ages 0 – 6th grade. Therapists are able to work with most suspected and diagnosed disabilities as well as any life crisis events and stressors that a child might experience. A child can be referred by parents, teachers, other therapists, and physicians for music therapy services. Parents/guardians are welcome to contact the therapist to schedule a time (initial consult) to learn more about music therapy and to ask questions at no cost to them. Sessions are held at various sites depending on the referral. The various stages of participating in the music therapy program are below:
1. Initial Meeting —– Once the parents/guardians have decided to begin music therapy services for their child, the music therapist will meet with the parents/guardians and possibly others (for example a team meeting at school) to discuss concerns, potential goals, and to complete paperwork.
2. Initial Assessment of the child —– The music therapist meets with the child individually 2-3 times (depends on age) to assess needs/concerns. The music therapist will also determine whether music therapy is appropriate and will benefit the child. If music therapy is appropriate the child is then enrolled in either individual sessions or a small group session.
3. The Music Therapy Process —– Assessment (3-4 sessions) to determine the child’s strengths and needs takes place first. Baseline sessions follow which determine the child’s current level of functioning in the skill area(s) referred. A goal or treatment plan is then written. The music therapist will utilize music to reach the goals in the plan. Music activities include, but are not limited to, singing, rhythm instruments and drums, movement, and songwriting. Parents/guardians will receive a more complete description of the music therapy process once their child is enrolled.
Session and Consult Fee Information
Payment is due the first session of each month. A complete list of excused/credited absences is included in the information given to parents/guardians. Fees (current July 1, 2022) are as follows:
Initial Consult — No Cost
Initial Meeting Fee — $25.00
Individual Session (3o mins.) — $32.00/session ($128.00/4 week month and $160.00/5 lesson month)
Small Group Session (30 or 45 mins.) $30.00-$35.00/session (to be determined upon enrollment)
For more information or to talk to a music therapist please call 330-465-5187 between 8am and 6pm (messages can be left after hours) or email @ imaginethepossibilitiesmusic@gmail.com. Paypal, through the website, is not currently set up for traditional music therapy services.
A Musical Journey to Kindergarten
Get your child ready for kindergarten in a fun way by participating in therapeutically based music activities that will improve academic and social interaction skills. We will sing, play instruments, & drums, and dance each class. Come join the fun! (class 1 ages 3 & 4, class 2 age 5)
Drum Circle & Songwriting Fun!
Drumming & writing songs are just some of the ways that we will use music to practice social interaction skills & “talk” about our feelings. We will have a great time creating rhythms, songs, & playing games! Creativity has no limits in this class!
Led by music therapist Kathy Odenkirk, MA, MT-BC, these classes were created for both the typically developing child and the child who may be showing developmental delays to benefit equally.
A Musical Journey to Kindergarten AND Drum Circle & Songwriting Fun are both now offered as part of the Preschool/Daycare Program ! Classes generally meet once/week and last 30 minutes/class to easily fit into your schedule! Classes are offered in packages and each class is $20.00. Pick and choose what works for you! Please contact Kathy Odenkirk @imaginethepossibilitiesmusic@gmail.com or call 330-465-5187 with any questions or to schedule a meeting!
Packages Include:
Try it Out! 2 classes $40.00
Package A 4 classes $80.00
Package B 6 classes $120.00
Package C 8 classes $160.00
Package D 12 classes $228.00
Package E 24 classes $456.00
*Packages D & E include a 5% Discount*
Imagine the Possibilities Music Therapy & Piano Studio, LLC is located on Meadowbrook Dr., just minutes south of Wooster, Ohio.
Good afternoon! My name is Emily Michalec and I’m a music education student at Cleveland State University. I was looking at your website and I would love if at all possible to come in sometime this week for an observation. Thank you so much!
Hi Emily,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, your message didn’t come
up until now. How long are you on Christmas break? Most of my piano
students, and the music therapy client I have, have taken off for the
holiday. Please email me at imaginethepossibilitiesmusic@gmail.com and
let me know when you are available.
Thanks for your interest!
Kathy Odenkirk